

News from the 3rd Dimension

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Mademoiselle Parfum 3D

In January "Vice Miss Hamburg 2012" Lenea Martens visited me for a shooting themed "Mademoiselle Parfum". It was the first time I had the  chance to use a Sony NEX-7 (for the 2D stills) and the last 3D shooting with my pair of Panasonic GH2.

First we started with a 2D still:

(Click image for higher resolutions)

Now prepare your red/cyan filterglasses and enjoy.

(Click image to see higher resolution. Please use red/cyan filterglasses to see 3D effect)

If you use 3D equipment capable of displaying "genuine" 3D stereo images in MPO format you may try these links:

Link to 3D MPO file

Make-up artist: Kerstin Piehorsch.

Copyright 2011 3D-Kraft.com, all rights reserved.


Hafencity Runner (4K Aerial with Sony A7RII)

Early in the moring in Hamburg's Hafencity...

Shot with Sony A7RII in 4K. Available as download on Vimeo. You can also play it directly in 1440p and 2160p on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrOIix3_Css . Please switch player to full screen mode and choose highest available resolution.

See the BTS (behind the scenes) at : https://www.flickr.com/photos/hhackbarth/albums/72157655471506733/show

For more information please visit www.KopterKraft.com.


Carnevale di Viareggio 2024

Carnevale di Viareggio 2024
Recorded with Sigma 85/1.4 DG DN Art on Sony A1

Italy 2024


Norway 2018

Norway 2018

Please click on the image for further impressions.


In Focus of Magic: Leica Noctilux 75/1.25 with Autofocus at "Hamburg's Maskenzauber"

Leica Noctilux 75/1.25 with AF

You want to photograph portraits of people moving around using the (by design manually focused) Leica Noctilux 75mm f/1.25 ASPH with autofocus? Here is a solution!

The following shots are all taken wide open with the Noctilux 75/1.25 attached to a Sony A1 using the Techart Pro LM-EA9 autofocus adapter. As the lens weighs about 1 kg, it is too heavy to be moved by the AF adapter mechanics. But if you hold the camera with a grip attached to the lens, it can be easily moved by the adapter. In this way, a very high rate of perfectly focused images could be achieved even with moving subjects, which would have been almost impossible with a Leica M rangefinder camera for which the lens was originally designed. Enjoy the artists and their creations captured by a magic lens on Hamburg's Maskenzauber 2025!

(clicking on the image takes you to further resolutions)


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