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You can find the original UHD file (5GB) for download at (Vimeo account required).
Some technical information:
This video shows the potential of recording in UHD 4K with Atomos Shogun and Sony A7S but it shows also the lack of stabilization when you use the camera with the Zeiss FE 1.8/55. Most
of the footage could only be recorded handheld and neither the Sony A7S nor the Zeiss FE 1.8/55 used for the portrait shots is stabilized so there was quite a lot
of shake that had to be reduced by digital stabilization in post
processing. Depending on shake, the resulting resolution varys somewhere
between 2.5K and 4K. So here you should focus more on mask art and scenery than on technical perfection. Scenes that were taken from a tripod provide
almost full resolution. Picture profile used on the camera was cine gamma 4 with cinema gamut.
Equipment: Sony A7S, Atomos Shogun, Zeiss FE Sonnar 1.8/55, Zeiss FE 16-35mm f/4 OSS and a Tiffen variable ND.
This a slideshow with still frames taken from the video. If you click on it, you can navigate to the full resolution images: