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Start Gear & Galleries 2D People / Menschen Maskenzauber - Carnival Venetian Style in Hamburg

Maskenzauber - Carnival Venetian Style in Hamburg

Maskenzauber 2017 (Carnival Venetian Style in Hamburg)

Most enchanting masks and costumes as every year! Please click on the image for further impressions.

If you missed it last year, see the video (4K):

Please select fullscreen and the desired resolution (available up to 2160p) in the player's button bar for best viewing experience.
You can find the original UHD file (5GB) for download below the player on the Vimeo page (Vimeo account required).

The fire show after the mask's walk is available as well here, starting at 07:27: https://youtu.be/oC-_bKITXLQ?t=7m27s

Some technical information:
This video shows the potential of Sony A7RII mounted on a brushless gimbal. Scenes were recorded using autofocus.

Opus One von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert.
Interpret: http://audionautix.com/

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Quelle: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400044
Interpret: http://incompetech.com/