09. Feb. 2013 - Part 1 & 2, testing the wide screen effect and image quality of the final SLR Magic Anamorphot 1.33x 50:
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This wide screen (21:9) sample video was recorded in Full HD (1920x1080p) using the Sony A7R with Zeiss FE 2.8/35 and Zeiss FE 1.8/55 combined with the new SLR Magic Anamorphot 1.33x - 50 anamorphic ancillary lens. Subsequent horizontal stretching in postprocessing was applied in order to save more information from the original sensor resolution than simple letterboxing. Sorry for the sometimes a bit jittery pan shots but on that beautyful day I did not have a fluid tripod head available at my fingertips. There may be some additional jitter due to the uncommon video format that forces many decoders to switch from hardware to software decoding. Further test videos will focus more on creating flare and bokeh effects.
Here you see the diopter set and the Anamorphot used for the video attached to a Sony A7R with Zeiss FE 2.8/35mm lens and some additional step up adapter rings.
Looking through the lens shows the 1.33x squeeze: