Let me first state that I am aware that this article propably may trigger a controverse discussion but if you have been linked to this article by forums or rumor sites, you propably already know that many open disussions about Leica products tend to get emotional. So I will try to concentrate on objective facts even though I am conscious that this writing is influenced by individual experience as well.
To better understand my point of view (and perhaps compare it to your personal vision), please let me recap with some distinctive experiences making up my mind before we come to the punch line:
After the Leica M9 was introduced in 2009 and all the hype about this camera I was very curious to make up my own mind what it means to shoot with a digital rangefinder. I already put aside the amount of money to buy into the M system with a M9 and about two lenses and spent a couple of days in 2010 intensively shooting the M9 and in another session in 2011 with a friend dedicated to the M9. Of course there were some nice and intensive shots like these: